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Install Vtiger Crm Wamp

카테고리 없음

by cionecthoto1979 2020. 3. 4. 09:12


  1. Install Vtiger Crm Wamp Software
Install Vtiger Crm WampInstall vtiger crm wamp download

Install Vtiger Crm Wamp Software

Vtiger for linux

Could someone help me on installing vtiger crm-6.4 on windows server 2012 R2- 64 bit with wamp server 3.0 - 64bitI am getting errors like(! ) Strict standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in C:wamp64wwwvtigercrmincludedatabasePearDatabase.php on line 20(! ) Strict standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in C:wamp64wwwvtigercrmincludedatabasePearDatabase.php on line 21(! ) Strict standards: Declaration of Users::saveentity should be compatible with CRMEntity::saveentity($module, $fileid = ') in C:wamp64wwwvtigercrmmodulesUsersUsers.php on line 1656and likewise many morethe details of error in the attached PDF localhost.pdfI am very much new to this crm.